Sunday, August 1, 2010

~Art Journal Challenge~

~Art Journal Challenge~
Ya need some inspiration? Want to have some fun? Why not join in on a Journal Challenge?
Each week ya'll be given a Theme, Technique, Word Prompt etc...
Ya then to create in your fashion ya version of the Challenge given. Sounds like fun huh? Well I can assure ya it is!
Once she gives ya the prompt ya have a week to complete it. Then go over to her blog and add ya link from ya blog, Flicker, or Facebook page so she can see the picture of ya journal challenge. She will then add ya name to the others and when the week is up she'll draw a winner! Easy peasy to me! There's no other rules except when she posts the prompt. One week to create a piece of art and who couldn't use a week or even some helpful creative ideas?
This weeks Challenge is already set up on her blog, use the link above to check it out.
This Challenge ends Saturday August 7th at 7pm. So what are waiting for? Ya know ya want to do it. POE knows ya want to join in on the fun!
The prize for this week is a set of exclusive, lucious red rubber Ipitty by Unity Stamp Set it's a $21.00 value.
Winner will be announced on Sunday August 8th, when the new challenge is posted.
So quit reading this & go join in on the fun, I can't wait to see what ya've created. While ya there tell her Poe sentcha.


Scrapacat said...

You are so freaking awesome! Most people would just link it, but you really walk it out there. Thanks, Doll!! Feel better soon, I hope!

APG Jamie said...

I'm now all I have to do is rush out to the studio put together a journal and then do a page for the the problem, I needed something to make me get off my duff anyway

joyce rodli said...

I wonder if I can do it in a day?
Poe, thought you might like this: this is one of my fave places to be.
Happy happies.