Saturday, August 28, 2010

~Art Journal Challenge Blog~ My Childhood Memory Entry~

~Childhood MemoryChallenge~
This weeks Challenge was to take a childhood memory, and add a quote that would help describe the memory. It wasn't hard for me to come up with the quote or really the memory for that matter. I couldn't do my artwork justice of what my memory really was. Before I married Mr at age 16 I spent alot of time in my bedroom. I would do alot of artwork, write poetry and read. It was my way to keep out of harms way from my parents.
I loved my room! I had this amazing view of a river (or at least that's what I called it) This river amazed me in many ways. When the tide would go out, ya could see all kinds of debris in it. Anything from a shopping cart to an old crab cage. It facinated me because I could never tell which way the river would go. One day it would be flowing toward the bridge to the right of my window. Other times it was to the left where the cementary was.
Across the other side of the river was a huge baseball field. I would watch games from my window when they played late night games.
The water would never rise to our property because it had a brick retaining wall and we had steps that led down to the water. I used to watch my cat Babe meet his true love "Orange Kitty" on the brick wall, and they would sit together grooming each other in the moonlight. Babe loved Orange Kitty and when he died I buried him under the peach tree by the waters edge. Orange Kitty would sit there everyday after Babe died. The trees on our property also helped my facination with the river. We had so many Pecan, Peach, Apple trees surrounding the property that when the wind blew ya could hear them move.
I made many wishes on the river. Being lil I thought if ya could toss a penny in a wishing well and they came true, Then why not wish on a river? I often think of the many nights I kept my window open to listen to the trees rustle and pass a soft breeze and scents of the water into my room. I slept and dreamt many wonderful nights in that room.
When I first heard Robert Frosts poem "Nothing Gold Can Stay" I instantly thought of my room. I know most people associate it with trees. But I truly think of my room where I watched that river. It held so many wonderful wishes and kept all my secrets too.
But like Robert Frost's poem says..."Nothing Gold Can Stay"
It's kind of sad when I think about it, But then again we can always remember to be thankful for what and who we have in our lives.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

~Wishcasting Wednesday: How do you wish to spend some time?~

~Wishcasting Wednesday: How do you wish to spend some time?~
Good question which seemed to follow up on my dreamboard entry the day before. Time is such a demanding thing for us. We all have responsibilties that need tending to, such as jobs, children , spouses, etc... We all wish for more time in a day, time with those we love, time to fufill our dreams. Show me one person in this world who hasn't wished for more time,I don't believe one exsists. With working like I have this Summer (every day with no days off Monday-Sunday) I know what it is to really wish for time. I wished for rain so I would have more time to create art. I wished for more time with Lil Love, because she's growing up so fast and I know her Nina will not be around forever. And I want her to have good memories to reflect on when I'm gone. I wish for days of long ago when I was younger, and knew life seemed to never run outta time.
But here I am at the age I am ( I'm 46) still wishing, praying, and hoping for time to do as I demand.
Time doesn't obey, Time runs the way it sees fit.
If I'm gonna enjoy what time I have I need to do it in the NOW!
I wish to enjoy every moment time allows me on this earth.
As I always say in my You Tube videos.
Take Time To Enjoy The Lil Moments In Life!
That is my Wednesday Wish.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

~Full Moon Dreamboards: The Full Sturgeon Moon~

~Full Moon Dreamboards: The Full Sturgeon Moon~
I've been following Jamie for a long time now, and each time I promise myself I would make a dreamboard. I FINALLY did it! This is my first dreamboard and I'm excited to say the least. Noticed my Bold word there? That was a word I chosen for the new year. Why? Because I was determined to make it about FINALLY getting things resolved in my life.
I was FNALLY able to do the following before the New Year started:
Ended an 18 year friendship, because it was toxic to my emotional health.
(don't get me wrong it was a hard decision, but I've noticed my health improved since then)
Renovated & moved into a new home.
Made some new friends and found some old from childhood.
I could go on but ya get the gest of why I chose FINALLY as my word.
With keeping to my word this year I decided it was FINALLY MY TIME!
To create Art.
To write Poetry.
To find myself.
I resolved to not allow myself to be dropped from the to-do list. Too long I put everyone in front of my hearts desires. I thought one day it'll be my time to shine. Well Year after year passed and I wasn't getting any closer to my hearts desires. When Mama passed away I was faced with the realization of how I put everyone in front of my own needs. I pushed my grief aside and made sure everyone else was dealing with the loss of Mama. I've yet to sit and deal with to this day. The one thing I did however do was see how much I was hurting myself. Don't get me wrong it's ok to be there for ya family, I mean after all we are sisters,daughters,wives, friends, moms, etc... But no where in the handbook of life does it say WE are not allowed to follow our dreams? NO WHERE!
This is why I chose this year to be the year I, Poetic Dreams will see to it that I FINALLY do what makes her heart shine.
When I chose my images for my dreamboard I had tons I wanted to use. If I had used them all my dreamboard would be bigger than Poster size. lol
My images are those of allowing myself to come first.
To allow myself time to worship, relax, to immerse myself into my creative self.
The center image I used the spirals to write the many dreams I wish to accomplish.
Teach Art Classes
Make a flower garden in my new home.
Get My book "Her Secret No More" Published
Be Pain free from my RSD, with that my dream to walk along the beach with my Mr. & learn Yoga.
I also put unpack my room.
(That's an example of putting others first, my room still isn't unpacked.)
I would also like to get my Tattoo I've been wanting for ages. It's my Native American name She Who Wanders with an image I've had for just as long. I've also been thinking of a new piercing for some time which is also on the dreamboard.
I also have a image of a lil girl which represents my Lil Love. She is my heart and loves to create art with me. My getting my room settled has a bit to do with her as well. I'd like to set her up an area so she can create art with me.
At the bottom of Embrace The Dream sentence is a row of fishes to keep with the Full Sturgeon Moon.
The gazebo is a place of Tranquil, Peaceful and serene moments for me. I thought I might add some glitter to represent shiny, glittery, but had second thoughts knowing I had to scan this. lol
With creating this dreamboard, I have FINALLY made good on a promise to myself.
A great step in the right direction for me and one of many more to come!
If ya'd like to join in on the fun Please visit Jamie at her site through the link I left above.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

~Art Journal Challenge Blog~My Song Entry~

~Art Journal Challenge Blog~My Song Entry~
This weeks Challenge was to take a favorite song and put our creative spin on it. This was a hard challenge for me. Ya think ti would be simple since EVERYONE has a favorite song right? UH NOPE! I have quite a few. I love music because it can transport ya back to a time when ya first heard it playing.
I adore many artists for one reason or another. Nina Simone, Billie Holiday, Boston, Dido, Anathema, Paramore, Metallica, Reba McEntire just to name a few. But one lady has really spoken to me at a time I thought I was beyond anyone understanding my feelings. It was when I lost Mama (in technical terms Mother In Law) I was feeling so lost, abandoned, alone, and most of all frustrated. Having to deal everyone elses emotinons about her death while mine were pushed to the back burner. I still haven't dealt with my feelings about her death, too much going and everyone needing me still. Anyways I digressed, I was really down one night and I happened to be checking out some music videos on my You Tube channel. One popped up and I was intriqued. It was a song by Jann Arden "Where No One Knows Me"
Ya wouldn't believe how MANY times I played that song. Let's just say I learned the words quickly. She spoke what I was truly feeling and I couldn't express to anyone. I so wanted to be able to just run away from it all and never look back. I didn't want anyone to know me or about me. Jann really spoke my heart. Of course by my entry here I never did run away although the desire was really intense. Just listening to her sing these words kept me going.
Now this isn't the only reason I chose this song. I chose it because I play this song EVERYDAY on my way to work with Lil Love. She LOVES this song. It gets played over & over. When I was thinking about what song to pick. I decided to go with Lil Loves song because she's near & dear to my heart. She has the same musical taste as her Nina and Mama.
I instantly thought of a steering wheel and a road, because that's what I imagine myself doing before I heard Jann Arden's song. I added her lyrics to the side as a reminder of how much her words mirrored what I was feeling.
I'll end this with her You Tube Video Ya can enjoy Johhny Depp and Jerry Lewis.
Ya can also follow her on Twitter (I AM!) lol She's a hoot.

Friday, August 13, 2010

~Art Journal Challenge Blog~ My Gesso Entry~

~Art Journal Challenge Blog~ My Gesso Entry~
Our Challenge this week was to use Gesso and make a textured background using Gesso. Here's the start of my background. I used Gesso and Burnt Umber to try and show detail of my texture.
I then added some more texture with papers and such. Adding different colors such as Burnt Sienna, Raw Sienna and more Gesso. I stopped here because I could see images in the background. And for those who are new to reading me. I've always found images in things I look at. Anything from clouds to ceilings I find some sort of images. This has always been my way and I am drawn to this type of creating.

I then outlined my images to bring them forth for others to see. Granted I am happy with how the images turned out right now. I'm not sure I want to paint them in as I usually do. I like how the texture shows in each of my images. Believe it or not this picture is way outta my league because it seems sort of Prehistoric type picture. I'm far from a fan of Prehistoric anything. lol Like I said I have no control over what images jump out at me.
I do enjoy doing these challenges each week. Ok, it's only our second challenge but hey! it's fun! Why not stop by and see Ky at the link above and join in on the fun with me?
If I decide to change my mind and do more with my image I'll post an update on it for ya to see.
If ya happen to join in the Challenges tell Ky Poe sentcha!

Friday, August 6, 2010

~Art Journal Challenge Blog My Entry~

~Art Journal Challenge Blog My Entry~
In my last entry I mentioned an Art Journal Challenge. The above link is where ya can join in on the fun. This weeks prompt was to create a journal page from
I personally had a hard time choosing who do to my journal page on.
Then I decided on Leslie Herger from
My reason was simple. I had created my own journal based on her instructions from her UStream.
Her instructions were quite clear and simple to follow. Now my art journaling is kind of limited since I work 10 hour days 7 days a week. So I used what I had available to me. I had to upload two images because my scanner couldn't handle the whole page. I basically did what Leslie said to do. That was Practice, scribble, and Keep at it. I drew what popped in my head and there ya have my page. No it's not all adorable like other journal pages. But it's MINE! It's my practice page, A page to, as Leslie says "Wake Up My Mind!" Some of the images were what I found in the background of paint. I just brought them out more. Others were mostly doodles I've done since I was lil. All in all it was a nice page to create. To not worry over being perfect. To show others not everything ya create has to make sense.
All that matters is that YOU CREATE!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

~Art Journal Challenge~

~Art Journal Challenge~
Ya need some inspiration? Want to have some fun? Why not join in on a Journal Challenge?
Each week ya'll be given a Theme, Technique, Word Prompt etc...
Ya then to create in your fashion ya version of the Challenge given. Sounds like fun huh? Well I can assure ya it is!
Once she gives ya the prompt ya have a week to complete it. Then go over to her blog and add ya link from ya blog, Flicker, or Facebook page so she can see the picture of ya journal challenge. She will then add ya name to the others and when the week is up she'll draw a winner! Easy peasy to me! There's no other rules except when she posts the prompt. One week to create a piece of art and who couldn't use a week or even some helpful creative ideas?
This weeks Challenge is already set up on her blog, use the link above to check it out.
This Challenge ends Saturday August 7th at 7pm. So what are waiting for? Ya know ya want to do it. POE knows ya want to join in on the fun!
The prize for this week is a set of exclusive, lucious red rubber Ipitty by Unity Stamp Set it's a $21.00 value.
Winner will be announced on Sunday August 8th, when the new challenge is posted.
So quit reading this & go join in on the fun, I can't wait to see what ya've created. While ya there tell her Poe sentcha.

~Blog Giveaway From Being Mara Spires~

~Blog Giveaway From Mara Spires~
A chance to win~
Doodle Diary:Art Journaling For Girls
By:Dawn Devries Sokol
To enter ya must follow Mara's Blog and Ya must leave a comment.
Winner will be chosen Sunday August 8th, 2010
Tell her Poe sentcha and let me know if ya win.
Mara has a huge heart, and wanted to share her excitement over Doodle Diary. Please visit her blog via the link above. Enter ya chance to win the book and stay and visit her blog.
Ya know ya want to check out the juicy goodness in this book. Dawn shows ya how to set ya mind free and create some awesome art.
Ya can also visit Dawn's Blog at
See for yaself what wonderful gals Mara & Dawn are. I know I'm blessed to know them!

~Blog Giveaway From Mixed Grill Favorites~

~Blog Giveaway From Mixed Grill Favorites~
I'm not sure about you, But I would love the chance to win these goodies from Cindy!
Why not hop over to her new Blog and enter ya chance to win them?
Here's what she's offering:
A box of Portfolio Series Water Soluable Oil Pastels (24 pack)
A tin of (10) Caran d'Ache Neocolor II Water Soluable Wax Pastels (Crayons)
Several sheets of book text. (Ideal for Mixed Media Collage)
Her rules are clearly defined on the link above. Stop by & wish her "Happy Good Blogging" on her new website. Entries end August 8,2010 PST (Sunday) Winner will be announced Monday August 9, 2010 If ya the lucky winner ya'll have one week to send her ya snail mail address.
Good luck!