Wishcasting Wednesday~What Fun Do You Wish To Have?
I've always said "I'm a female version of Peter Pan", Never wanting to fully grow up always wanting to have fun. I'm a believer that life is too short to be stressed out by the day to day responsibilites we have forced upon us. I try to fit in laughter and a good time wherever possible.
My wish to have fun is being able to create more art. Right now working non-stop till September (no days off) 6th is putting a damper on my creating art the way I'd wish to. Working the pool does have it's advantages. I can have fun with my family and make wonderful memories.
I wish to be able to create fun by remembering what brings me joy and makes my spirit soar. From cloud watching, to splashing in the pool. I will create fun wherever I am. Who knows tomorrow I just might blow bubbles or make funny faces at the car next to me. Mind ya I'll be at a red light when I do this. lol